Thursday, April 19, 2007

Hit or miss the next few days...

So I like to think I am an active person and eat a pretty good diet... I don't get sick very often, but when I do it really knocks me out. I've not posted any updates these past couple of days because I haven't really been able to leave my bed - when I did, it was to go to the doctor to find out what was wrong and to get some IV fluids as I was pretty dehydrated. Apparently there is some wicked stomach bug going around and it thought I would be a good host. I have to go in for an ultrasound tomorrow, but it is not as bad today - I think my stomach is just sore from being sore... does that make sense?

Anyway, since I was tired of lounging around in bed (really, it drives me crazy if I have to stay in one spot for so long) I thought I would make Jeff something different for lunch. I went this recipe, Cuban Black Bean Patties with Pineapple Rice, that I was suppose to make earlier in the week for dinner. I should have probably picked something a little easier, but I wanted to get the pineapple used up before it went south. I only had a couple bites, but it was too much for my sensitive stomach - lesson learned... stick with much more bland foods! It is pretty simple to put together, but I'm just not feeling up to talking about it as I normally would - Jeff was definitely pleased with the results though and had some of the leftovers for dinner tonight. The one thing I did differently (this is reflected in the recipe) was to refrigerator the bean mixture before I formed them into patties so they would hold their shape well. If you have any questions about the recipe or the flavors, I'll be happy to answer them... but it may be a couple days until I am back to normal (assuming tomorrow's test goes well!) enough to really feel up to it.


  1. Sorry you've been feeling poorly. I thought something must be up since you hadn't posted since Monday. Hope the US goes well and normally tomorrow.

  2. So sorry to hear you've been sick. Hope you'r feeling better soon. Don't even think about food till you are well. Just take it easy. Jancd

  3. Joe,

    I really hope you feel better soon. It stinks to be dehydrated and have no energy. Sadly, I can relate to how you feel. I am (still) nursing a stomach bug I've had for seven days now. No details needed, but I've lost 8 lbs. because of it. I've been wanting to lose a few pounds, but this is a horrible way to lose them.

    Sending get well vibes your way!!!

  4. I'd heard that norovirus was pretty active this season... at any rate, I certainly feel for you.

    While the patties look nice, I hope you stick to toast, ginger ale and dry cereal!

  5. I'm sorry to hear that you have been sick. Take it easy for now. I hope you get better soon!

  6. Joe, I hope this passes quickly and you are back to your old self soon. If it makes you feel any beter, I had what I think is the very same stomach bug -- lots of nausea, dehydration...general malaise. It lasted a week or so then finally went away.

  7. Sorry you're sick Joe. I hope you're feeling better soon. I've been missing your posts but certainly understand why you haven't been around.
    Take care and feel better soon!!

  8. So sorry you've been feeling ick, Joe! I hope your stomach gets better fast--try some plain yoghurt/probiotic supplements, it may help.

    I hope to see more of your great cooking soon!

  9. Joe I thought something was not quite right when you didn't post this past few days...
    I am so sorry you are sick. I got a stomach bug last month and it was simply terrible, I felt nauseated for about 4 days and also very weak and without much interest in food at all.
    Bland food was definitely the way to go and what I enjoyed the most on those days was boiled pasta with a little butter and salt, not gourmet, but did feel good on my sore stomach (and yes, your sore feeling does make all the sense to me!).
    You are very sweet to cook for Jeff (I also had to cook for my DH and son, even though I couldn't even think about tasting the food myself).
    Hope you feel better soon!

  10. I'm sorry to hear that you've been sick, Joe... I hope all goes well tomorrow. Take care of yourself!

  11. Hope you're doing better. I have a couple of friends who have been very sick with it.

  12. Thank you so much for the good thoughts - I'm feeling much better and hope to hear good news from the stomach doc this week. I'm ready to get back in the kitchen!
