Saturday, September 30, 2006

PB&J in a new way!

I wanted to get some snacks made that we could freeze and have while the kitchen is going to be out of order. One thing I did today was make some bread with a fun surprise inside!

These Peanut Butter and Jam Rolls begin by making a bread dough that is flavored with peanut butter. Besides the peanut butter, baker's dry milk and potato flakes are mixed with the flour to make this dough very smooth and results in a light ultra-soft roll. Once the dough has risen, it is divided into 16 pieces and rolled into balls. These are then flattened and ready to be filled.

Strawberry jam is the first filling - I mixed this with arrowroot to help it thicken and stay inside the rolls - you can omit this, but the filling is likely to spill out while baking. Creamy peanut butter, mixed with a touch of honey, sits beside the jam and then one edge of the dough is folded over to the other side to create a half circle. Using a fork, these are then crimped to seal the edges and left to rise again until puffy. If any of the jelly is squished out when you crimp, just be prepared for a little of the filling to leak out - it won't run everywhere because of the arrowroot, but it is sticky.After being baked until golden, a rich shiny glaze made from butter melted with a little more honey is brushed over the rolls. Be sure to let these cool before digging in, the inside filling stays quite hot for at least 20 minutes after they come out. This was such a fun and different way to enjoy a PB and J sandwich! While you could certainly use grape jelly, I encourage you to branch out and try other jams/jellies to add a different twist! I didn't notice it at first, but Jeff did make a passing comment that they kind of look a lot like clams!


  1. MMMM...those look wonderful. Do you make anything that doesn't look wonderful though?
    You would be my 6 year old daughters hero. PB is her favorite food and PB&J is a sandwich she would eat daily, if I allowed it.

  2. That is a brilliant idea! Have you already tried freezing and then thawing them? I'm interested in how they turn out...

  3. I'm going to give these a try tomorrow-the kids are already board with sandwiches in their lunches.

    Thanks Joe! btw, the apple bread posted a few days ago is beautiful!! I think I may need to try that too, I've got plenty of apple around here;)

  4. They look like a sweet empanada, I like it!

  5. Tammy - I would probably eat them everyday if I could as well =P

    Jill - We did - they thaw very well, though I did reheat them a bit in a toaster oven!

    Stacey - Hope they worked well for you!

    Brilynn - Thanks!

    Bloorozez - Thank you!

  6. Thanks for letting me know about the thawing. I appreciate that! It sounds like a fun dish and we're starting to look at the process of redoing our kitchen, so I may need to make a few things like this to stash in the freezer. I love all the ideas here!

  7. No problem Jill - We had the last of them from the freezer last night and they were just as good! I can't wait to make them again.
