Another steamy day in Phoenix. We spent most of our morning out and about. We ended up going to petsmart to get another dog food dish as we cannot have one dog jealous of the other...
Spike and Max seem to be happy now! Another reason we were out today is we've been trying to find a coushin for our new wood chaise lounge but have not had much luck. We did find one at a local pool supply store but their color selection was not what we are looking for.
World Market was a fun store to stop at today as they had a couple of ingredients I've been searching for
(Lyle's Golden Syrup) but couldnt find a local source. Fun store to just wander around and browse.
Here's the dog food dish that Max the puppy could not live without.

Dinner tonight was pretty much the same we have every saturday night. Chicken salads - exciting huh?!

Back to finish watching
Live8 for the rest of the night. They had some great shows throughout the day. Its too bad MTV had to mess up a few of them with their VJ's or taking breaks in the middle of great songs. The
Pink Floyd set was exceptionally good!
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